MCAN | Minnesota Classified Advertising Network

MCAN | Minnesota Classified Advertising Network







Advertisers may insert a 25-word classified ad in 200+ statewide publications reaching more than 500,000 households and 1.5+ million readers for only $279 per week. Ads may be placed through any of the participating newspapers or the MNA office. Pre-payment is required at time of order. That’s all there is to it! You make one call and pay one price for statewide or zoned distribution.

DEADLINE: Order and payment must be received by 5 p.m. Tuesday, for placement the following week.
CONTACT: Randy Kelsey, Advertising Department, 612-278-0225

* The Minnesota Newspaper Association can place classified ads in other states as well. Many states have networks similar to those Minnesota provides. Costs, circulation, standards of acceptance and format vary according to state. Contact Randy Kelsey for more information.

** Subject to change.

MNA Advertising Networks Proof of Publication Standards: Participating newspapers in the MCAN|MDAN programs will be selectively monitored to ensure that network ads run as scheduled. Tear sheets will NOT be provided to network clients at the conclusion of their advertising schedule. Network ads are sold with the understanding that they will be distributed to all participating newspapers and will appear in at least 90% of participating newspapers within a seven-day window of the requested publication date or the first available issue. Network ad space is limited, requires prepayment, and sold on a first-come basis. A notarized affidavit confirming proof of publication will be provided to clients only upon request.