By: Bob Shaw, MNA Manager Emeritus
I have written a book, published by Beaver’s Pond Press, called “The Joys of Old Age.” In the introduction I warn younger persons – anybody not yet 70 years old – to watch out: reading the book could be bad for a young person’s health and well-being.
The fact is that the joys of old age aren’t as big, or as good, as the joys of youth. Much, very much, has been written about that subject. Few writers, though, have found much joy in old age. It doesn’t seem to have much of a future.
Well, I have scratched around and found a few joys unique to us older folks. They might seem trivial, but they’re better than nothing. These are joys like turning over in bed in the morning and getting another hour’s (maybe two hour’s) sleep; or the job of getting a handwritten letter from an old friend; or the joy of talking to one person at a time (but not more than one because you start to become invisible).
I have published four books in my retirement. The first one, “Life in the Back Shop,” is sold out. Another one, “Bachelor Slob in the Kitchen,” won a first prize in the 2011 Midwest Book Awards. It’s best not to mention the other two.
To order a “Joys” book, dial Amazon dot-com. $15.
Thank you!
Bob Shaw
Manager Emeritus, MNA