Resist, Assist, Persist

Resist, Assist, Persist

SalesCycle_FeaturedIf it is your intention to genuinely build a trusting relationship with your sales prospect and do business together in the future, you must learn to resist, assist and persist. Or, for the musically inclined, learn to RAP.

  • Resist … the temptation to back off too early when faced with an objections. Have confidence in your product and yourself and hang in there. Also, resist avoiding the opportunity to ask the right questions to help you fully understand and solve the prospect’s concern.
  • Assist … the prospect in defining his/her real needs. Help them understand the issues that stimulated the original objection. Also, assist the prospect after the sale to gain maximum benefit from your recommendation. Follow up and follow through.
  • Persist … in a manner that shows your prospect that you genuinely care and want to be considered a trusted business advisor. When you persist without the intention of avoidance or manipulation, you convey your concern and sincerity.

Have a terrific week,

If there are specific topics you’d like to see discussed in a future issue of The Sales Cycle, please contact me at (612) 278-0223 or