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The Star Tribune won journalism’s highest honor Monday, not once, but twice, taking Pulitzer Prizes for local reporting and for editorial cartooning.
Brad Schrade, Jeremy Olson and Glenn Howatt won the reporting honor for their “powerful series of reports on the spike in infant deaths at poorly regulated day-care homes, resulting in legislative action to strengthen rules,” judges said in announcing the award. Since the series ran, the number of deaths at day cares has dropped dramatically.
“I’m kind of speechless,” a smiling Schrade said minutes after dozens of newsroom colleagues delivered a sustained standing ovation.
Steve Sack won the editorial cartooning award, for commentary on news ranging from Michele Bachmann’s presidential run to Lance Armstrong’s blood-doping coverup. Judges noted Sack’s “diverse collection of cartoons, using an original style and clever ideas to drive home his unmistakable point of view.” He’s been the Star Tribune’s editorial cartoonist since 1981 and was a finalist for the Pulitzer in 2004.
Sack, who has drawn more than 7,800 cartoons for the paper in 32 years, said he had no idea he’d won until his editor, Scott Gillespie, stopped at his desk to break the news.
“I didn’t believe him, I thought he was messing with me,” Sack said softly as he clutched a bottle of champagne and greeted well-wishers.
‘Always been so proud’
“I’ve always been so proud of working for this newspaper,” he added. “For something like this to happen, I feel like it’s for all of us.”
Both awards carry a $10,000 prize.
“It matters to me that this was for journalism that makes a difference,” said Nancy Barnes, the newsroom’s editor and the company’s senior vice president. “We focused on working-class families and their children, and because of that more infants will grow into adults. And that’s something you can feel really good about.”
Barnes and Managing Editor Rene Sanchez broke the news to the reporters shortly after 2 p.m., when the Pulitzer winners were announced.
Editor’s note: The report from the Capitol is not meant for publication in your newspaper.
The House and Senate are now fully focused on their tax proposals for the 2013 session. As a result, we are finally starting to develop a better sense as to what those proposals might consist of.
On Monday, House DFLers issued a news release outlining key features of their tax bill. According to the release, there will be no new sales tax provisions in the House bill this year (unlike the Senate version). However, House DFLers do want to add another income tax tier for higher earners.
The Senate tax bill that was released last Thursday does seek to expand the state sales tax. This includes revising the important “publications exemption” in the sales tax law, so that periodicals and magazines, whether sold over the counter or by subscription, would be subject to the tax.
Of greater concern to MNA is a provision in the Senate bill that would apply the sales tax to certain kinds of “digital downloads.” Among these would be some “news or information products,” though “qualified newspapers as defined under section 331A.02” are specifically excluded. Since the bill was released, our legislative counsel Sandy Neren has engaged in extensive exchanges with Senate staff about what the “news or information products” language might mean and exactly how it might be applied. So far, however, the answer to that question remains uncertain.
We’ve also suggested that the tax exclusion in the bill pertaining to “qualified newspapers” be broadened, so that it would cover all newspapers, whether qualified under section 331A.02 or not. And late word is that the chief author of the Senate bill will apparently accept that suggestion.
We will continue to track this proposal very carefully. Obviously we don’t want any possible ambiguity as to how the sales tax might be applied to “news or information products” offered through a newspaper’s Website.
Another recent proposal that we’re also watching carefully appears in the state department’s omnibus finance bill, which (section 16) would establish a so called “E-Government Advisory Council.” The Council would be authorized to “enter into a contract with a private entity to manage, maintain, support, and expand North Star and online government information services to citizens and businesses.“ The original bill also included a provision stating that such a private entity could establish a “convenience fee for users of North Star and online government information services up to a total of $2 per transaction.” Along with several legislators, we’ve expressed particular concern about the “convenience fee” idea, and on Monday the House removed that language from the bill. However, the bill has a long way to go yet this session.
In a positive development, the Legislative Audit Commission’s evaluations subcommittee has selected nine areas of state government that it says should get special scrutiny from the Office of the Legislative Auditor in the coming year, one of which is the state unclaimed property fund. As reported in recent Bulletins, since the state Department of Commerce quit publishing in newspapers an annual list of people who have unclaimed property held by the state, the balance in the unclaimed property fund has ballooned to approximately $550 million, and the effectiveness of the program has clearly diminished. For example, in fiscal year 2012, the state received $61.5 million in unclaimed assets, and returned only $19 million of that to the rightful owners (or about 30%).
A delegation from MNA recently met with the Department of Commerce about this issue, and we have been urging the state to improve its efforts in getting unclaimed property back to the owners—which we believe should include a resumption of published notice as one of the tools to fully inform state residents about unclaimed property. The likely scrutiny by the Legislative Auditor could be helpful in better illuminating both the scope of the problem and possible solutions.
We also continue to monitor, negotiate about, and analyze a wide range of other bills and proposals still active in the 2013 session. A complete list of the bills we’re tracking is available on the MNA Web site in the form of the Legislative Bill Status Report, prepared by legislative counsel Sandy Neren.
And of course be sure to let us know if you have any questions or concerns whatsoever about legislative items.
MNI PRESENTS: Handling the 15- 20 Most Common Objections
Friday, May 10, 2013 | $55 (early-bird registration until May 3)/$65
How often are you out on a sales call when you run in to roadblocks to closing a sale in the form of objections? “Newspapers are dead!” exclaims your client. “We’ve tried newspaper before, but didn’t get the response we want,” your client complains. “I tried to run ads in your paper previously, but the salesperson never called me back,” replies your client.
This hands-on session will arm managers and sales staff with the skills to act quickly in the face of objections and present thoughtful, effective responses while out in the field.
During this all-day training session, attendees will identify and define the top 15-20 objections encountered by sales people. Then, participants will discuss and role play the most effective solutions and responses for overcoming common objections.
Who should attend? Advertising sales and management professionals
Presenter: Steve Gall is a 33 year veteran of the newspaper industry. He currently serves as Director-Multimedia Sales for the Pioneer Press and twincities.com of Digital First Media. Prior to his return to the Twin Cities area, he served as VP Advertising for the Tacoma (WA) News Tribune and the Anchorage (AK) Daily News as well as Publisher of the Vail (CO) Daily. Previously, he served as VP Advertising for the Knight-Ridder Duluth News Tribune and VP of Sales & Marketing for Murphy McGinnis Media, an independently owned newspaper company with 17 newspapers, 7 shoppers, and an Interactive company.
More information and register online now: http://mniadobjections.eventbrite.com
MNA is pleased to announce that it will once again partner with the Pohlad Family Foundation to offer internship grants for high-school aged interns at MNA member newspapers. Application materials are now available on the MNA website. There is no deadline to apply, but program spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Download 2013 Program Enrollment Form
- Download Frequently Asked Questions
- Download 2013 Program Flyer
How the Pohlad Internship Program Works
- You choose a high school student, age 16-19, who will work for your newspaper in any aspect of the business half-time for 10 weeks; recent high school graduates are eligible.
- Complete an enrollment form stating that you will hire a high school intern and wish to participate in the Summer Youth Employment subsidy program. Forms will be available on the MNA website, and can by submitted by mail, fax, or email.
- College students and relatives of newspaper staff do not qualify for this program.
- The Pohlad Family Foundation requires that newspapers pay a portion to ensure a commitment from the participants and recommends an hourly wage of $8.00/hour for interns participating in the program.
- The reimbursement grant is calculated like this:
- First time interns: Member newspapers will be reimbursed for 75% of the intern’s wage, up to $1,200. For example: 20 hours per week, for 10 weeks, times $8 an hour (suggested wage) — the Pohlad Family Foundation grant will pay $6 of that $8 wage.
- Repeat interns: Member newspapers, hiring interns for the second time, will be reimbursed for 40% of the intern’s wage, up to $640. For example: 20 hours per week, for 10 weeks, times $8 an hour (suggested wage) — the Pohlad Family Foundation grant will pay $3.20 of that $8 wage.
Questions? Interested?
Contact MNA Program Director Sarah Bauer at 800-279-2979 | 612-278-0250 or sarah@mna.org
April 10, 2013 – The National Newspaper Association today welcomed a decision by the U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors to continue Saturday mail delivery while it awaits postal reform legislation from Congress.
NNA president Merle Baranczyk, publisher of the Mountain Mail in Salida, CO, also warned NNA will oppose increases in postage rates at a time when closing mail processing facilities are degrading newspaper delivery service nationwide.
“The mission of the Postal Service is in its name: it is service. Without reliable service, no price is fair. NNA is working with the Postal Service to do all we can to help newspapers avoid the impacts of the system changes, but we need universal service for our communities and our newspapers. We also believe the ultimate responsibility rests with Congress and we will continue our vigorous advocacy on behalf of community newspapers to pass important postal reform legislation.”
The Minnesota Newspaper Association has become an official “media association partner” with the Local Media Association, allowing MNA members to take advantage of discounted rates on a variety of great training and education opportunities!
Local Media Association is the leading resource for local news and information providers seeking innovation, education and inspiration with more than 2,200 members across North America and Canada. LMA hosts approximately 24 webinars, 6 conference events, a virtual advertising conference and many other training opportunities that you now have direct access to at a reduced cost.
One great opportunity is the affordably priced LMA Sales Certification online program. It is designed to deliver sales training in an ever-changing media environment resulting in a skilled sales professional capable of maximizing ad-revenue opportunities. This program empowers salespeople to progress from transaction-focused selling to true consultative selling, thus transforming the sales relationship into a collaboration-focused business partnership that produces dramatic, long-term and measurable sales results. For more details CLICK HERE.
This is a partnership we are very excited about and continue to work hard to make you aware of the top notch learning opportunities in the industry.
Check MNA’s event calendar for new LMA events!
- Rebuild Your Core While You Reinvent Your Business Model
- On April 18, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. CDT, we will host a groundbreaking webinar – “Rebuild Your Core While You Reinvent Your Business Model.” This webinar is free to LMA members and association partners.
Chris Lee, president of Deseret Digital Media, will present the key takeaways from a recent Harvard Business Review article, “Two Routes to Resilience,” written by Clark Gilbert (CEO of Deseret Digital Media and Deseret News), Matthew Eyring and Richard N. Foster. To read the full article click here (free registration required). We encourage you to read the article before the event.Lee will dive deep into the concepts presented in the article and will showcase concrete examples. At the heart of the issue is the notion that there are two transformations underway in our industry:- “Transformation A” that should reposition the core business, adapting its current business model to the altered marketplace.
- “Transformation B” that should create a separate, disruptive business to develop the innovations that will become the source of future growth.
CLICK HERE for more information and to register online now!
Americans Don’t Fully Appreciate (or Protect) Freedom of the Press
By Steve Buttry
Americans pay lip service to freedom of the press, but we don’t adequately appreciate or protect one of our most precious freedoms.
I spent the past three days in Lyon, France, at a conference on New Media in Russia, discussing media issues with journalists from Russia, the United States and at least four other European countries. The map above appeared at least twice on slides or videos, Russia standing out in red, not symbolizing the communism of days gone by, but the lack of progress since the fall of the Soviet Union — even the reversal of progress under the regime of President Vladimir Putin.
Red does not stand for the most repressive regimes. China, Iran, Sudan, Saudi Arabia and a few other nations earned a black rating. Note that the United States is yellow, rather than white, the “good situation” designation.
Listening to the Russian journalists and professors speak about the restrictions and challenges they face and listening to American attorney Dick Winfield discuss the legal situation in Russia, I realized (again) that American journalists and citizens too often take our freedom for granted. We could learn a lot from the courage of our Russian colleagues.
What Journalists Need To Know About the Difference Between Web Apps and Native Apps
Facebook’s recent unveiling of Home, a software suite for Android phones (and soon tablets), offered more evidence that apps rule the mobile world.
Just a few years ago, usage of apps lagged Web browsing within that world. But we now spend more than 80 percent of our mobile time with apps, according to Flurry Analytics, comScore and NetMarketShare data.
That means news publishers need to prioritize app development when crafting their mobile strategies, as Tom Rosenstiel noted in a recent Poynter.org article summarizing comScore research. But when it comes to developing those apps, publishers have at least two options:
1. Native apps run alongside the browser. They’re built with tools specific to the device’s platform (usually Android or iOS), give a publisher prominent placement on a user’s home screen, and benefit from a raft of sophisticated features.
2. Web apps run within the browser. They’re built with a collection of advanced Web technologies — but, like native apps, emphasize utility over content. Though lacking the power of their native counterparts, Web apps can be equally capable for users and may be a more cost-effective alternative for publishers.
Both kinds of apps provide ways to help news consumers solve problems. But they offer different paths to those solutions, both in terms of the resources needed to create them and the channels available for distributing them.
MNA/MNI Board Meeting
April 25, 2013 – April 26, 2013
Minnesota Newspaper Association
12 S. 6th St., Ste. 1120, Minneapolis, MN, 55402, United States
(More Details)
MNA has a link to public notice resources on its website www.mna.org under the “Member’s Only” section. The “Public Notice Resources” link has updated talking points, ads, and other sources that can be used as a resource when writing or talking about why it is important to keep public notice in newspapers. It will also feature editorials gathered from Minnesota newspapers.
If you write a column, editorial or letter please send a copy to Lisa at MNA lisa@mna.org. We will continue to update the public notice link as we receive new columns and information.
You must be a member to visit the “Members Only” link on the MNA website. The login is case sensitive.
Username: Member
Password: Newspaper
The Mobile Marketing Association and the Interactive Advertising Bureau have joined forces to publish a new set of industry standards for mobile advertising, in a bid to streamline ad buying and selling. http://www.iab.net/mobileguidelines
In order to keep the MNA Directory and our records up-to-date, we need to hear from you. Email MNA with any changes to your phone number, address, email, fax number and key staff. Contact us at member@mna.org.
The MNA job board and member classified have been redesigned to make it easier for members to list job and “For Sale” postings. Click here to view the new MNA Member Classifieds.

Advertise in the MNA Bulletin and reach over 750 newspaper professionals each week. Options include:
- 660×150 banner ad
- Story Style Advertisement (like this)
Contact David Kaplan for more information at david@mna.org or click here.
Fresh house ads promoting the use of MNA advertising networks are now available for download. Let your readers know just how easy it is to reach the entire state – or specific zones based upon their need – with just one call. You can find a variety of downloadable ads here.
MNA has 343 active newspaper members, with a total circulation of 2,786,916. Of the active newspapers, only 46 do NOT participate in at least one statewide network advertising program! MNA networks provide participating members with a cost effective turn-key advertising option for their clients. Earn more revenue for your newspaper, earn more revenue for your territory, and earn personal sales bonuses also! MNA advertising networks are simple to execute and deliver proven results! For more information on how your newspaper can participate in the MDAN (Display Ad Network), MCAN (Classified Ad Network), or MINN (Interactive Newspaper Network) please contact Randy at 612-278-0225 or randy@mna.org.
A new sales bonus and incentive structure makes it more lucrative than ever for the sales staffs of MNA member newspapers to cash in and earn big bonuses for MDAN and MCAN network sales! New 2×2 advertisers = $150 bonus! New 2×4 advertisers = $300 bonus! New MCAN advertisers = $50 bonus! For all of the details on how you can earn extra cash by selling MNA Advertising Networks, please click here.
We continue to receive complaints from clients about incorrect ad creative running or insertion dates being missed. It’s crucial to provide the highest level of service to ensure our customers are confident in the value they receive from our newspapers. If you have any questions regarding insertion orders, dates, placement, or creative please contact MNA immediately for clarification. We’re here to help!
GIGA_OM: This is About More Than Just Advertorial
There’s been plenty of focus on how publishers are catering to advertisers by producing “native” advertising, including sponsored content — but a much bigger trend is brands and advertisers that are becoming publishers themselves. We’ve been writing a fair bit lately about “native” advertising or sponsored content, including a recent post about BuzzFeed’s challenges in relying on that as a business model. But as former Forbes.com founder David Churbuck points out in a recent essay, this phenomenon is about a lot more than just traditional publishers trying to adapt to what advertisers want in terms of content — it’s about brands and advertisers literally becoming publishers themselves.
Read more here: http://bit.ly/Ybyv3v (Courtesy of GigaOm.com)
SALES SOURCE: Rule Number 1 – Get To The Point
If you’ve got something to say, say it in as few words as possible. This will be a short post because if it weren’t, I’d be guilty of doing what I’m telling you to avoid. All companies today are trying to do more with fewer people, which means that everybody is short on time. That’s why it’s crazy to load up your documents (e-mails, brochures, websites, etc.) with fancy-sounding business clichés, and unsubstantiated opinions. Nobody has time to wade through biz-blab…
Read more here: http://bit.ly/ZER1Ye (Courtesy of Inc.com)
MEDIAPOST: Shoppers in Buying Mode More Receptive to Online Ads
A woman who has recently been researching a family vacation is most receptive to ads for cruises when she is shopping online for, well, anything else. That (arguably intuitive) finding is one of the first from Aisle A — the media solutions and audience-targeting division launched by comparison-shopping site Shopzilla in February. The hypothetical woman “is in an active buying mind-set when she is buying [for example] clothes online for her kids, and therefore more receptive to an ad for a family cruise.”
Read more here: http://bit.ly/154peBD (Courtesy of MediaPost.com)
RESEARCH BRIEF: Potpourri of Media Usage Data
A new Temkin Group report, Media Use Benchmark, 2013, analyzes data from 10,000 consumers about their internet usage (at home and at work), reading of books and news (online and offline), TV watching, radio listening, and mobile activity. The data snapshot breaks down the data by age, ethnicity, income, and geographic region. The report opens summarizing the overall usage levels in the U.S. for different media activities. MNA NOTE: According to this data, respondents spend 1.1 hours per day reading a printed newspaper (not online.) This is a UHGE result…one that should be shared with advertisers.
Read more here: http://bit.ly/10Yjuoy (Courtesy of MediaPost.com)
CONTENT MARKETEER: The New Buyer Conversation: Goodbye Sales, Hello Google
The term “Content Marketing” has become quite the buzzword in 2013 – especially from marketing professionals. But, even with its ubiquity, marketers are still struggling to define the meaning. Because of this ambiguity, many in the industry are wondering, “is content marketing really a thing I need to pay attention to?”
Let me tell you, it is. And here are two reasons why. No one wants to talk to sales. First, there’s a massive change in the behavior of consumers on the web. Buyers are no longer calling up salespeople and asking them about products. Those days are over.
Read more here: http://bit.ly/149Gczd (Courtesy of Marketeer.Kapost.com)
SEM: Putting a Spring Into Your Marketing Step
It’s that time. The temperatures are rising, the birds are singing and if you look hard enough you can see the buds on the trees. As the world prepares to come back to life, it’s not just your weary car that needs the salt and gunk washed off. Your marketing efforts deserve the same attention. Your brand is as organic as the seasons. With proper care and attention, it will bloom and grow to be larger and stronger than ever. But it may not do so well left to its own devices without proper care and maintenance. Don’t let that happen.
Read more here: http://bit.ly/XrUTbs (Courtesy of SearchEngineWatch.com)
FACEBOOK: Gives Advertisers 500 New Targeting Categories
There was a time when advertisers could only find an audience for their Facebook ads based on users’ Facebook-submitted information like gender, age and whether they like Pages about cooking. But over the past year Facebook has been expanding the data that can be used for ad targeting to include non-Facebook information like the sites someone visits outside of Facebook, loyalty program memberships and, more recently, the types of products they buy in a brick-and-mortar store.
Read more here: http://bit.ly/10Vbi8H (Courtesy of Adweek.com)
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does.” – Steuart Henderson Britt, author of Marketing Management and Administrative Action
If there are specific topics you’d like to see discussed in a future issue of The Sales Cycle, please contact me at 612-278-0223 or dan@mna.org. You can also view The Sales Cycle archive here.
The Minnesota News Media Institute of the Minnesota Newspaper Association provides regular training opportunities for its members. Visit this section of the Bulletin each week to find information on new programs, in-person training sessions and webinars. Check out the MNA/MNI Event Calendar for a full directory of upcoming training opportunities in person, and online. Contact Program Director Sarah Bauer with any questions, comments or programming suggestions: sarah@mna.org or 612-278-0250.
Presented by Online Media Campus in Partnership with the Minnesota News Media Institute
April 18, 2013 | 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm | $35
How, and why, should newspapers add local business storytelling to their mix of products? The simple premise is, storytelling is one of the hottest tools in corporate marketing today…for good reason. Marketers are finding traditional ads are getting such low recall scores that they’re trying everything to get engagement. The bright spot is Corporate Storytelling.
Stories are welcomed. Good stories have lasting impact. Stories can communicate brand positioning and emotion. AND…. Who has the trust of the local community when it comes to telling stories? Newspapers. Newspapers have a real opportunity to take the lead in packaging and promoting the stories of their local business community and using their products and others to spread those stories to the community.
What we’ll cover:
- Evolution of the marketing ecosystem
- Why stories engage the target market
- Newspaper’s big advantage over other media
- The magic questions to ask your advertiser
- Distributing and selling the story
Deadline to register for the $35 fee is Monday, April 15th. A $10 late registration fee begins on Tuesday, April 16th.
Click here for more information or to register
Presented by Online Media Campus in Partnership with the Minnesota News Media Institute
May 9, 2013 | 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm | $35
In order to overcome objections effectively, you need to understand the value proposition between the newspaper and the advertiser. Advertisers view advertising as a risk — there is no guarantee they will get the results they are looking for. Reps who understand this dynamic can reassure advertisers that advertising in the newspaper is well worth their investment.
Following the techniques introduced and discussed in this webinar will help you develop grace under pressure!
Topics we will cover:
- Viewing objections as buying signals
- Understanding the difference between a condition and a true objection
- Using your negotiation skills to minimize the power of the most difficult objections
- Learning specific techniques for overcoming the most common objections
Deadline to register for the $35 fee is Monday, April 15th. A $10 late registration fee begins on Tuesday, April 16th.
Click here for more information or to register
Presented by Online Media Campus in Partnership with the Minnesota News Media Institute
May 10, 2013 | 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm | $35
Camera Raw is a common function on most digital cameras, yet few have delved into this simple tool for producing some of the fastest and sharpest photos for print or online. The Adobe Camera Raw plug-in has been available as early as Photoshop 7 and we want to spend this session taking away the mystery and exploring the benefits of this feature. You will learn how to quickly and easily correct pictures plagued by:
- over/under exposure
- noise
- color casts
- incorrect white balance
- poor contrast
- and much more as there is no shortage of bad photos
Hopefully, we had you at “quickly and easily”! Take a short break and join us to learn how a readily accessible tool can improve your photos.
Deadline to register for the $35 fee is Tuesday, May 7th. A $10 late registration fee begins on Wednesday, May 8th.
Click here for more information or to register
Presented by Online Media Campus in Partnership with the Minnesota News Media Institute
Thursday, May 23rd | 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. CDT | $35
You’d like to do that in-depth story but simply researching the background takes time, not to mention the interviewing and writing involved as well. Between the daily grind of a newsroom, how do you do it? This session will show how you CAN accomplish special projects without sacrificing quality of work. The idea of collaborating with other newsrooms may have sent up red flags in the past but it doesn’t have to mean the loss of competitive edge for your organization. Several media companies are experiencing growing success with this new model of business.
This session will illustrate ways newspapers can collaborate while still maintaining originality. Examples will come from newspapers that have found success in this model and local and national news organizations, including the Investigative News Network.
Deadline to register for the $35 fee is Monday, May 20th. A $10 late registration fee begins on Tuesday, May 21st.
Click here for more information or to register
Presented by Online Media Campus in Partnership with the Minnesota News Media Institute
Program previously held in 2012. Archive Viewing Fee: $99
The Mobile Sales Training program is designed to increase the skill sets and knowledge of advertising sales professionals, managers and anyone involved in the sales process, through a short concentrated series of webinar trainings.
- Webinars are presented as a series and participation is expected in each program.
- Content is focused on sales training and managing.
- Each course is recorded to allow for better flexibility of scheduling.
- Presenters of each course will be available for questions during webinars.
- Each participant will be awarded a certificate of completion following the successful conclusion of the training program.
Click here for more information or to register
From finding investigative stories to interviewing to branding yourself and setting up your own business, we’ve got you covered with online training you can do at your desk. Please check out offerings – online and in-person — from the Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism and sign.
Learn in just one hour a day with these free webinars:
- Getting the Goods – Interviews that Work, May 8-9, with Pulitzer winner and Knight Chair Jacqui Banaszynski
- The Business of Me, June 4-6, with 10,000 Words blog founder Mark S. Luckie
The Poynter Institute’s News University serves more than 130,000 users through courses, group seminars, and Webinars, covering subjects from multimedia techniques, to writing, to reporting, and beyond.
Some interesting upcoming training events:
- April 18: Using Analytics to Drive Website Success
- April 22: Editors Boot Camp 2013: A Poynter Broadcast
- April 26: Five Steps to Stronger Data Visualization
- On Demand: State of the News Media 2013
CLICK HERE for a complete list of upcoming training opportunities.