All posts in Ad-libs

Ad-libs: Widgets and ad choices

Let’s say you’re considering the purchase of a new widget. Your current widget is working okay, but you know that there have been some new innovations lately and you’d like to see what’s available. So you go to a meeting which features widget manufacturers.

Ad-libs: Did the dog eat your homework?

It’s no secret that the more sales people know about their prospects – before they begin a sales presentation – the better their chances for successful outcomes.

Ad-libs: Strange things I’ve heard around ad departments

In my years around newspapers, here are a few statements that made me say, “Huh?”

Ad-libs: Getting sales traction

Traction is a key element in any business. Even the business of football.

Ad-libs: How to talk about your competitors

By John Foust Raleigh, NC I was talking to Kyle, an advertiser who has been dealing with media […]

Ad-libs: Don’t be “sales-ey”

By John Foust Raleigh, NC I remember talking to a frustrated advertiser who was complaining about a certain […]

Ad-libs: Selling ads in a world of bright shiny objects

By John Foust Raleigh, NC Meet Erica, a veteran of many years of sales presentations. “There’s a lot […]

Ad-libs: How to work with ad agencies

By John Foust With experience on both the ad agency and media sides of the business, I’ve learned […]

Ad-libs: The power of the right story

John Foust Thomas knows the power of storytelling. “I’ve found that the right stories help me sell more […]

Ad-libs: How to fix a common communication flaw

By John Foust Raleigh, NC The flaw: You’re meeting with a prospective client, but you seem to be […]