2014 Scarborough Readership Survey

2014 Scarborough Readership Survey

Pages from MNA-Scarborough_The-State-of-Minnesota-Newspapers-20141In late 2013, MNA commissioned Scarborough to conduct a statewide readership survey – the first since 2006. The objective was to collect and analyze the newspaper engagement habits and information gathering preferences from a statistically significant sample representative of all 4,143,200 Minnesota adults in the following areas:

  • Tabulate the readership of daily, Sunday, and community newspapers.
  • Calculate the readership and usage of digital newspaper extensions such as newspaper websites, and smartphone/tablet applications.
  • Define the demographic characteristics of those engaging with various newspaper platforms.
  • Determine the preferred source of gathering information for: purchasing major goods/services, retail shopping, travel, tourism, professional sports, voting, and more.
  • Document Minnesota’s opinion on public and legal notices, including the importance of public notices, where public notices should be published, and how often public notices are read.

Please find a general overview of the survey results, along with downloadable category specific single sheets below. If you have any additional questions about the results of the survey, please contact MNA at (612) 332-8844 or member@mna.org.

Note: Survey accuracy for the full sample is +/- 3%.


General Survey Overview:

Category Specific Single Sheets: