All posts by admin

Ad-libs: Advertising is all about motivation

The most effective ads are those that appeal to the right motivation.

Participate in Sunshine Week 2017

Sunshine Week is fast approaching, March 12 through March 18.

Slimp: Finding the truth

It seems to be on a lot of minds By: Kevin Slimp The transition from 2016 to 2017 […]

Henninger: Text type suggestions

By: Ed Henninger A reader emailed to mention that I’d recently written a column listing New Century Schoolbook […]

Ad-libs: If your marketing were a car, what would it be?

By John Foust Raleigh, NC Lawrence told me about a technique for gathering information from prospective advertisers. “I’ve […]

Special Awards Presented at the MNA Convention

John Bodette was honored with the Distinguished Service to Journalism award and four were inducted into the Half Century Club.

Christerfer Schultz Elected 137th MNA President

Christerfer Schultz, publisher of Herald Journal Publishing was elected president of the Minnesota Newspaper Association.

See You at the MNA Convention!

Everything you need to know before arriving at the MNA Convention!

Into the Issues December 2016

By Al Cross Rural votes played a big role in Donald Trump’s victory, and he plans some big […]

Ad-libs: How to handle unspoken objections

Learn how to be prepared for all sales situations and cut down on unexpected surprises.