All posts by admin

Into the Issues

Does the reportedly mixed reaction to the death of a small weekly newspaper on the Lake of the […]

Be a better Listener and get Better reception

When I was growing up, my father had an old shortwave radio. Although he didn’t use it often, […]

Are You Prepared for a Disaster?

In times of crisis, all eyes turn on the press for immediate and accurate news coverage. But what happens when the press becomes the victim of a disaster?

Is your “designer” a designer?

COME JUNE 1, I will have spent 30 years as a newspaper consultant. That’s a long time. I’ll […]

Do you have a sales prevention department?

By John Foust Every business has procedures in need of tweaking. Do any of those procedures at your […]

Shorter is better

By Ed Henninger So – how does design affect readability? And how does writing affect design? Take a […]

Have you noticed that all the really successful online retailers offer free delivery?

By: Peter Wagner Amazon sets the bar high with Amazon Prime two-day delivery of everything from A to Z. Their […]

Newspapers need to explain “How We Work”

By Al Cross Newspapers cover almost every imaginable topic, but when it comes to understanding and explaining their […]

Visual impact equals high readership

Do you want grab the attention of your readers with your very first page? Of course you do! […]

Only one deadline? Why?

You’ve done it again. Success! Every page in this week’s (or day’s) paper is in by deadline. It […]