All posts by admin

Ad-libs: How to make a good second impression

The things we do in that second contact can make a big difference in the sales person-customer relationship.

Into the Issues July 2017

By Al Cross This column was originally published in PubAux, the newspaper of the National Newspaper Association. In […]

Gov. Dayton Declares Minnesota Newspaper Week

Minnesota Newspaper Week is a statewide initiative that reminds individuals of the importance of a free press.

Sen. Klobuchar – Supporting a Free Press

Read Senator Amy Klobuchar’s MN Newspaper Week column, appearing in newspapers across the state.

Minnesota Newspaper Week – August 13-19

This week, more than 200 newspapers across the State of Minnesota will publish no news on their front pages.

Slimp: Creating an Online Poll

Kevin considers the options when asked by a Tennessee publisher

Ad-libs: Disadvantages have their advantages

Learn to create an atmosphere for open, realistic conversations with clients.

Henninger: Taking a closer look at your design – Part 1

When was the last time you gathered your staff and took a close look at your newspaper’s design?

Ad-libs: Expectations are like icebergs

“A long time ago, I heard that expectations are like icebergs…Only ten percent is above the surface.”

Slimp: A Look Inside My Inbox

Here are some of the questions Kevin has received from readers and friends recently with answer for all of our readers.