All posts by admin

Ad-libs: Qualify your advertising prospects

“There’s no use to try to sell something to someone who is not is a position to buy.”

Sanchez Represents MNA at Community Newspaper Leadership Summit

MNA represented at National Newspaper Association’s Community Newspaper Leadership Summit

Into the Issues Spring 2017

Journalists must adapt to Social Media Era but can do it without changing principles, API head says By Al […]

Ad-libs: Keep ’em talking and learn more

A lot of sales people are conditioned to pounce on the slightest opening and shift the conversation. Slow down and listen!

Attention Designers: The 2022 Directory Cover Design Contest is now open!

Your design on our directory? Enter the contest today!

Henninger: Giving writers their due

The state of writing in newspapers is directly proportional to the amount of editing and direction that writers receive.

Slimp: What you need to know to create a website from scratch

If you’re new to creating websites, there are a few things to keep in mind before you begin.

Sunshine Week Guest Column – John Bodette

Sunshine Week is celebrated March 12-18, 2017. This guest column is available for publication in your newspaper.

Pumarlo: Are you ready for the new year? Take an inventory

Are you ready for 2017? All newsrooms should prepare an editorial calendar and review it regularly.

Slimp: What I learned in Ohio

Visit with newspapers in Buckeye State cures Kevin’s winter “funk”