All posts by admin

2016-17 MNA Nominating Committee Report

MNA’s Nominating Committee has asked Diann Drew to stand for election to the MNA Board of Directors

Henninger: 10 Tips to a better design

Ed shares some of his top tips from presentations in 2016.

Slimp: Meeting Deadline!

Kevin Slimp shares a few helpful hints for those of us doing our best to get the paper out at deadline.

Pumarlo: Don’t underestimate the value of business reporting

Make business news a regular part of your newsroom discussions as an everyday beat.

Henninger: Typefaces to toss

Ed shares a list of 20 typefaces (actually, 16 typefaces and 4 complete groups) he’d toss, along with a few words why.

Slimp: Know When to Fold Them

Kevin asks and answers: When does holding on to older software and hardware become detrimental?

Ad-libs: Don’t gild the lily

Correctly quoted or not, this common phrase refers to the unnecessary practice of embellishing something which doesn’t need embellishing.

Slimp: Learning what I can from really smart people

Slimp created an online radio station and began interviewing folks he thought would be of interest to journalists. The results have been fascinating.

Henninger: What she said

Ed shares a recent column by page designer Renée Tanner that goes to the heart of how and why we do news design.

Al Cross: Into the Issues

At The Rural Blog we watch events and issues, but also trends and ideas in rural America – especially those that offer opportunities for localizing stories. We’ve had several examples lately.