All posts by admin

Ad-libs: Bridges take selling from Point A to Point B

By John Foust Raleigh, NC One of the most impressive bridges I’ve ever seen is the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. […]

2014 National Newspaper Week

Celebrate National Newspaper Week with guest columns, editorial cartoons and more!

Nau: Enhancing Your Four – Legged Sales Call

by Chuck Nau ‘Care to Dance?’ Remember those moments in your life, when you may have asked that question […]

Bob Shaw: “The Joys of Old Age”

By: Bob Shaw, MNA Manager Emeritus I have written a book, published by Beaver’s Pond Press, called “The […]

Minnesota Newspaper Museum at the Minnesota State Fair

by Linda Falkman, President of the Minnesota Newspaper Foundation Our living-history Minnesota Newspaper Museum came alive each day […]

Ad-libs: The challenge of client engagement

By John Foust Raleigh, NC These days, there’s a lot of talk about employee engagement. According to Gallup research, […]

Tools to help you localize your legislative coverage

The Minnesota Legislature is scheduled to convene Jan. 6, 2015 By Lee Ann Schutz Ok, I admit it. […]

Public Notice Site Goes Live

MNA has launched an online clearinghouse – an aggregate collection – of Minnesota public notices.

2014 Political Questionnaire

Responses to the Minnesota Newspaper Association’s 2014 Political Questionnaire, distributed to all candidates for statewide office.

Heinzman: Silly season

Here we go again. It’s time for all the political campaign chatter, during what is becoming known to newspaper editors and reporters as “the silly season”.