All posts by admin

Slimp: Working From Home

A remote office might be a lot easier than you think

MN newspapers’ support sought to find missing Vietnam Veteran photos

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Foundation project “Faces Never Forgotten” needs help obtaining missing photos of veterans.

“Timberjay Commentary” for publication

Dear MNA Publishers, Last week, both the House and Senate passed  S. F. 1770—known as the “Timberjay bill.”  […]

Voters Read. Readers Vote.

As you speak with candidates and action groups within your community, don’t forget to tell them why placing a paid buy in your newspaper is a great idea.

Digital Diagnosis: How do I painlessly transition from Quark to InDesign?

Do you have any guidelines/information about efficient, “painless” transitioning from Quark to InDesign?

MNI Presents: Skills for New Ad Reps 2014

Just announced! A day-long workshop for new ad reps. We will help you start the job with a solid base of skills as well as introduce you to industry trends.

Pumarlo: Political advertising: Don’t forget the ‘ask’

Another election season is under way, and newsrooms are gearing up for campaigns that last weeks and even months. Coverage will consume the news pages from candidate profiles and community forums to photo requests and letters to the editor. And don’t forget the steady barrage of press releases. Step-by-step coverage of political campaigns likely prompts more than one publisher to utter: Why are we giving the candidates all this free publicity? Where are their ads?

2014 Scarborough Readership Survey

MNA recently commissioned Scarborough to conduct a statewide readership survey – click here for the results.

Slimp: Getting it right

By: Kevin Slimp Download PDF Version What we can learn from six small papers in Nebraska So many topics, […]

Sell Anything. To Anyone.

To effectively sell, you need to passionately believe in the products and services you’re offering.