All posts by admin

Ad-libs: Widgets and ad choices

Let’s say you’re considering the purchase of a new widget. Your current widget is working okay, but you know that there have been some new innovations lately and you’d like to see what’s available. So you go to a meeting which features widget manufacturers.

NNA, mailers group says PRC erred by allowing postal rate increase

A broad national coalition of organizations representing users of the mail argued last week to the U.S. Court of Appeals that the Postal Regulatory Commission erred when it granted a $3.2 billion postage increase to the U.S. Postal Service last year.

Henninger: Time to take a close look

By: Ed Henninger As I’ve been working with various press associations recently, I’ve added another service: one-on-one design evaluations […]

Pumarlo: Set ground rules now for barrage of election letters

Election season poses a host of questions for editors as they sift through the natural upsurge in letters. For those in the midst of spring elections, editors are likely making many decisions on the fly. For the primary and general elections later this year, it’s not too early to set the ground rules.

Digital Diagnosis: We need a new email server!

We need to make a change, but find the choices confusing. What are other newspapers using for a host for their email server?

MNI Presents: Layout and Elements of Design

This MNI workshop, lead by Steve Gall will help you better understand effective layouts and will cover the eight elements of design.

Ad-libs: Did the dog eat your homework?

It’s no secret that the more sales people know about their prospects – before they begin a sales presentation – the better their chances for successful outcomes.

Here’s Your Problem

Instead of asking your client what their business challenges are, sometimes you need to TELL them what their problem is and then offer a solution.

MNCOGI recognizes three outstanding FOI advocates

MNCOGI honored three Minnesotans at its annual FOI Day Celebration, Friday, March 14.

Sunshine Week Editorial

This editorial was written for publication in MNA member newspapers during Sunshine Week 2014 (March 16-22).