All posts by admin

9 Tips for Capturing Sharper Smartphone Photos

B&H Photo offers 9 tips for capturing sharper smartphone photos in this 11 minute video.

Emotional Triggers

Dan Lind explains the six emotional triggers that push clients towards saying “yes” to your sales pitch.

Pumarlo: A lesson in reporting tragedy

By Jim Pumarlo A family’s farm is devastated by a tornado. A reporter is on the scene moments […]

Decision Issued: Timberjay Newspapers v. Johnson Controls, Inc.

Update from Mark Anfinson, MNA Attorney On November 20, the Minnesota Supreme Court issued its much-anticipated decision in […]

Millennials Still Want Their Newspapers [Infographic]

Despite the perception that the under-30 crowd is leaving newspapers and their websites behind for other digital news […]

Newspapers’ Digital Audience Hits New High in September 2013

By Jim Conaghan, NNA Vice President of Research & Industry Analysis The number of unique visitors engaged with […]

Minutes of the MNA Board of Directors’ Meeting: October 2013

MNA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes October 10-11, 2013 Park Square Theatre – St. Paul, MN Present: Rollin […]

Minutes of the MNI Board of Directors’ Meeting: 10/10/13

MINUTES OF THE MNI BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING, OCTOBER 10, 2013 Park Square Theatre, St. Paul. MN Present: […]

Henninger: Transcendental typography

Every once in a while, a design calls for big type. I don’t mean just “big type.” I mean “B-I-G T-Y-P-E”! Huge. Ginormous. Humongous. Yeah…that kind of big.

Advertising still a target in House tax reform bill

The business deduction for advertising expenses is currently at risk in the House of Representatives. Despite our collective efforts to dissuade Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp from modifying the current tax treatment of advertising, we have heard that he will release draft tax reform legislation that will propose a 10-year amortization of advertising costs. Specifically, his proposal is expected to allow businesses to deduct 50 percent of their advertising costs in the year the advertising expense is incurred and require a business to spread the remaining cost over 10 years.