All posts by admin

Ad-libs: The power of the right story

John Foust Thomas knows the power of storytelling. “I’ve found that the right stories help me sell more […]

Slimp: Facts – Getting Them Right Saves 23 Papers

Kevin Slimp Definition: Underwriter One who assumes financial responsibility for; guarantee against failure. To insure against losses. Hardly […]

December 11, 2012 – Issue 47

PDF Version || Member Classifieds || Join the MNI Pages Program SEEKING PRINTING BIDS If you are interested in […]

A New Year

With two weeks remaining in 2012, there are still ample opportunities to get out there and close end-of-year […]

2013 Reynolds High School Journalism Institutes — Now Accepting Applications

Five premier journalism programs will host the 2013 Reynolds High School Journalism Institutes next summer, where high school […]

Nominations Open for 2013 Half Century Club

Is there someone on your staff who has worked in the newspaper industry for 50 years or more? Nominate them for membership in the Half Century Club! Nominations due Dec. 31.

December 4, 2012 – Issue 46

PDF Version || Member Classifieds || Join the MNI Pages Program BNC WINNERS ANNOUNCED THIS WEEK We know you’re […]

Assume The Sale

As you walk into a prospect’s office, your pre-call planning and preparation should give you the confidence needed […]

Sam Richter Confirmed To Speak at MNA Convention

MNA is excited to announce that Sam Richter will be leading an Advertising Session at the MNA Annual […]

FREE Inland Webinars in December

Inland offers five free webinars in December – each session limited to the first 100 registrants!