All posts by admin

A little more than two weeks ago, my wife Jacqie and I became parents for the first time […]

It is with a heavy heart that we report that John Finnegan passed away early this morning after […]

Get Creative

The annual “MNA Daily Meeting” was held at Grandview Lodge in Nisswa at the end of last week […]

Slimp: Kevin’s favorite new features in Photoshop, InDesign & More

Kevin Slimp It’s that time of year again. Fall means lots of road trips to conventions and training […]

Ad-libs: Fixes for advertising flaws

By John Foust Raleigh. NC Golf magazine runs features which focus on problems and solutions in golf swings. […]

Make Contact

One of the most beneficial things a salesperson can do before making initial contact with a prospect is […]

Nau: It’s OK to Let Go

Chuck Nau In these challenging economic times, no one can do it all themselves. It’s OK to let […]

You’ve made a list of prospective customers, qualified each of them, and are now preparing to embark on […]

NOTE: I’m re-publishing this article from early 2011 based on a group conversation that took place at a […]

2011-2012 Better Newspaper Contest

Welcome to the 2011-2012 MNA Better Newspaper Contest!   Below you will find detailed contest instructions for the […]